Friday, February 1, 2008

Helen and John's Birthday

It is that time again when we get a little older. Happy Birthday to you Helen, I did try to ring but you were probably down the road collecting your pension, spend it wisely!!

It has been really quite warm today, for the time of year, about 1c and very sunny, no rain or snow like the south of China.

Thanks for looking at my site Paul, Natalie was talking to me today and said you owe here an email, also Leigh, my lovely granddaughter, had a peek.

A reminder to Helen of how she looked a day or two ago, Beautiful then and still beautiful.img090 img065 img089 school1-1 img104 img077

And I wonder if Helen or anyone can tell me who the girl is in the photo with Brian, Kelvin and me - (Is it Paddy Smith)

Anyway sister dear hope you had a good day, best wishes and hurry up and get your computer set up so we can chat online. Love to you all from John and Mei

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