Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday and a day off


Today is the first Saturday that I have not had any classes on for sometime, so it is great to just loaf around.

I am quite busy during the week and so have cut down on the classes over the weekend but people are always calling for extra lessons.

Anyway, over the last few days have been trying to get a signature witnessed for an affidavit for my divorce from Sawat. Well, what is quite a simple matter back home of just getting a JP to witness is quite a different procedure here. I must have filled in half a ream ,of forms, paid six hundred Yuan and finally got it done. Took a week, all told.

The paper war here is amazing, must be literally millions of tons stored somewhere, some things happen on computer but most have to be filed on paper.

Had a bit of a cold snap over the last few days, down around 5 and below 0 over night, but it will be warmer again tomorrow but winter is approaching and we had our first snow last year in early November.

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